Welcome to Unemployment

Your Guide to Successfully Navigating Unemployment

  • Bankruptcy

    Do you get out of all debts if you declare Bankruptcy?

    Most people think that declaring bankruptcy will help release all of their debts. But unfortunately, this is not the case because you cannot eliminate some of them. Bankruptcy is like a second chance the law provides to people or companies that cannot pay their debts. Although it sounds easy and beneficial, you should consider the…


  • retirement

    How much can you earn on Social Security at age 66?

    Social Security is a benefit program of the United States government to provide financial assistance to people who have reached retirement age, who have a disability or have lost their spouse. To apply for this, you must have a Social Security number, have worked for a specific amount of years, and have also paid taxes.…


  • Chase official website

    How to apply for a Chase credit card

    Applying for a credit card it’s a big responsibility, so you should always think about the main reasons for having one. If you already made up your decision, we recommend you a Chase credit card. It has a great variety of options according to your needs, flexible payments, and it’s recognized in lots of countries.…


  • Worker with a disability

    How to apply for short term disability

    Risks not only exist in the workplace, but also outside of it. If you ever have an accident, plan an operation, or develop a condition that does not allow you to complete your tasks normally, you will most likely need a short term disability insurance. But, why is it important to have an insurance against…


  • Westlaw official website

    How to write a Legal Memorandum for dummies

    Writing a legal memorandum shouldn’t be that difficult. This is a document written by attorneys to present and defend a particular case. It’s based on a question or premise that must be answered. An important part when drafting the document is not to include personal, value, or emotional judgments since it would lose credibility. The purpose…


  • Legal separation official information from New York

    How to file for legal separation in New York

    When a marriage is official, what is least expected is the end of it; however, a separation can happen due to different reasons. Usually, this is not a simple process, so it’s normal to ask yourself: What should I do? If both parties have already decided that they don’t want to be together, the may…


  • Make a draft of your quitclaim deed

    How do I obtain a quitclaim deed

    A quitclaim deed it’s used to transfer the ownership of property not including any warranties. In the document is stated the person giving up the ownership of the property is the grantor, and the person getting it is the grantee. Likewise, it should include the legal description of the asset being transferred, which includes the…


  • Select a close one to be the agent for your power of attorney

    How to get a power of attorney

    The power of attorney entitles a designated person to legally make decisions, regarding medical, financial, and certain personal matters. There are cases when you may need to authorize someone with a power of attorney if you become unable to manage all or part of your decisions for a period of time or forever. The process…