Kaiser Permanente website

How to cancel a Kaiser Permanente insurance? • 3 Ways to do it

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Kaiser Permanente is one of the largest organizations based in the United States that provides health care plans for over 10 million members.

It was during the Great Depression (1929 – late 1930s) when Henry J. Kassier and Sidney Garfield created an industrial health care program for employees of Kassier construction, shipyard, and steel mill Company.

The very first open enrollment to the public was in July 1945. From that moment, Kaiser Permanente has been providing health care plans to American citizens and their families living in California, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Oregon, Virginia, Washington, District of Columbia, and Hawaii.

Cancelling Kaiser Permanente Insurance

Since Kaiser Permanente was created, it has evolved according to people’s needs. Today, it has an official website that is very useful to their members and to anyone who wants to apply for its services.

It offers their members the option to create a personal account, review their health care plans, make medical appointments, and change the program itself.

Through this website, you can also pay for the medical services offered by kaiser with just a few clicks. However, if you do not like this method, you can also pay near one of their medical offices with a bank card or a personal check.

You can check it here: https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org.

Kaiser Permanente website


Kaiser Permanente has specific times to change or cancel health care programs, known as “open enrollment period” and “special enrollment period.”You may be wondering about the difference between the two of them.

The open enrollment period is the grace time provided by the organization when you can whether apply for insurance or change your health care plan.

The special enrollment period is the opportunity to apply or change your Kaiser Program out of the time of open enrollment because you have a  “qualifying life event”; these are specific circumstances determined by the company.

In any case, you can cancel your insurance at any time during the year; you do not need to do it during the open enrollment period or have a qualifying life event, it only depends on you.

There are three ways to do so:


The most common way is to log in to your account and cancel your health care. You can select various canceling options like ending your health care plan but keeping your child on the plan.

You should do it very carefully, select the one that suits you best and make sure you include all your family members.

Calling a Kaiser Permanente agent

You can also cancel your insurance by calling an agent and requesting directly to end your health care plan.

You will need to find the Member Services number of your jurisdiction. These representatives are generally available any day (except holidays) at any hour, but you have to check before you call because there are exemptions.

Click here to find the correct phone number you need to call and their available schedule service.


Kaiser Permanente Member Services

Filling the Account Change Form

This might be the best option you have to cancel your Kaiser insurance. You have to complete the form and give it to your immediate supervisor (in case you joined a program through your work).

On the other hand, if you joined on your own, just submit the form to your local Kaiser Permanent Office.

In the form, you will have to complete information related to:

  • Your contact identification: names, date of birth, phone number, social security number, and your address.
  • Identification of family members that may get affected when you cancel your insurance.
  • Your signature and date.
  • In case you have dependents that are 18 or older, they must sign as well.

There are other lines to be filled, but in this case (canceling), you only need to complete this specific information; you will also find instructions in the form.

Note that there are numerous options for ending your insurance; you must read carefully by the time you are filling the form.

Kaiser Permanente Account Change Form

It is important to mention that in every region where Kaiser Permanent works, there is a specific form to change or cancel your insurance; this is because there are different health care programs in every state.

Due to this fact, you need to find the specific Account Change Form according to where you live and where you got the health care plan.

For example, if you need to fill the form for Washington, click here to download it.