Category: New York

  • How much are paycheck tax deductions in New York?

    How much are paycheck tax deductions in New York?

    You have surely heard that the state of New York has one of the highest tax rates and, consequently, its inhabitants have to pay more taxes compared to citizens in other states. But beyond talking with your friends about their wishes of one day living in the Big Apple, have you really wondered how paycheck… Read more

  • Requirements for marriage license in New York

    Requirements for marriage license in New York

    When two people want to get married, the first step before even thinking about the wedding is to obtain a marriage license; it authorizes the couple to start the procedure, and is usually issued by a government institution. It is not the same as a marriage certificate; this one is requested after the ceremony is… Read more

  • How to file for legal separation in New York

    How to file for legal separation in New York

    When a marriage is official, what is least expected is the end of it; however, a separation can happen due to different reasons. Usually, this is not a simple process, so it’s normal to ask yourself: What should I do? If both parties have already decided that they don’t want to be together, the may… Read more