resigning job

If you give two weeks’ notice does your employer have to pay you?

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Labor laws are usually highly disputed because there are many interests involved between the parties; for example,  when a worker resigns or an employer decides to terminate the contract, the two weeks’ notice is one of the most studied and critical issues related to rights and duties for both employers and workers.

This is a practice that many companies and employees in our country accept; nevertheless, that does not mean it happens most of the time; we have seen cases when the worker does not notifies, nor the employer pays the corresponded amount for that time.

That being said, in this article, you will find key information to understand how this notification works, what your employer expects from you, and what their obligations are.

What does ‘two weeks’ notice’ mean?

Even though almost all workers and employers know it in the US, the two weeks notice is not federal law. Yes, it is not a policy; consequently, you are not forced to notify your employer if you intend to quit your job; however, it is a common practice, and you might be expected to do it.

Two weeks’ notice is just a courtesy manner that employees extend to their employers when quitting jobs. Usually, the employee will formally do it through a resignation letter (which contains the effective date of resignation); you can also notify your employer verbally, but we recommend you to put it on a letter.

two weeks notice letter sample

This period of two weeks is generally well-received by employers; they use this lapse to train other employees to fill your former position or look for a new applicant.

Can I get paid after a two weeks’ notice?

As we already mentioned, there is no Federal law related to the two weeks’ notice. Still, state labor laws differ on notice-period compensation since (in most cases) employers are only obligated to pay workers for the days they actually work and not the days they intended to.

However, some contracts or collective bargaining agreements may contain regulations related to resignation pay and notice; even some states have regulations about final paychecks and paid time off. For example, on this website, you can read about ‘Final Paychecks Laws In Nebraska.’

In conclusion, the two weeks’ notice is nothing more than a courtesy in which one employee extends information to their employer about their intentions. It is not a requirement, but you may do it in order to prevent future employers from having a bad impression of you since this practice is common in the labor environment.

What should I do after notifying?

Generally, if you have given proper notice, your employer must maintain your pay, as well your welfare and health benefits. Thus, it would help if you also kept fulfilling your job assignations.

They may ask you to train and teach your former co-workers so they can take care of your tasks. It is also possible that your employer decides to resign the contract before the two weeks notice period is up and ask you to leave; in such case, you should remove your personal documents from your computer and pack your things, since it is possible that they will not allow you to go back to your desk. But do not get alarmed; this is not a common practice when someone decides to resign.

resigning job

What do I do if I am a business owner?

If you run a business and one of your employees decides to quit, you need to be ready to do what is necessary to mitigate the negative impact.

Also, know that your workers will not always notify you when they want to leave; therefore, you might have to reorganize your team to maintain your business running. You may also prepare several workers to complete the tasks that your employee did not complete because of the resignation.

If you maintain an open dialogue with your employees, you will prevent them from quitting without notice. You can create a good work environment in which your workers feel comfortable talking to you about their job appreciation, the organization, obstacles, and challenges.

In any case, you should keep in mind that you can not prevent your employees from quitting; however, you can absolutely try to convince them to stay by making an offer they would not want to reject (e.g., promotions, more compensation, or vacation days).